Anyone who purchases a new or used car has every intention of getting the most out of their vehicle. Among other things, this means keeping it in drivable condition for as long as possible, or at least until they can upgrade to a car that has better features and capabilities.

Regular car maintenance involves a wide variety of projects that may not all be easy to do at home. However, by understanding what needs to be done to maintain your car, you can be better equipped to talk to your local service center about doing the work your car needs.

Owner's Manual

All answers to your questions and many more will be within the pages of your owner's manual, and that's all the reason you need to become acquainted with it.

Whatever they may say, the booklet is full of specific information about your particular car model which you ought to know.

Keep Your Tires Properly Inflated

The tires which are not properly inflated wear out much faster and cause significant mechanic damage to the car in general.

Tires should be replaced when tread wear indicators are showing between the treads. Ask your local tire dealer if you are unsure how to identify tread wear indicators. Also, check your tires every other day for pressure and every week for wear or damage.

Changing Oil

Every car maker has different things to say when it comes to oil, but most experts agree that it's good to change it out regularly. No single step will help an engine last more than regular oil and filter changes will.

Check the oil regularly, about once a week, and change the oil or have it changed when you reach the 4,000 – 4,500 mile (6,400 – 7,200 Km) limit.

As different vehicles have different oil capacities and requirements, it is better to refer to your owner's manual to find out what type and amount of oil you need for your car.


Coolant is the fluid responsible for keeping your engine from melting down from excessive heat while in use, and, for obvious reasons, this is not something to be ignored.

A 50/50 mix of coolant and distilled water will keep the cooling system in good shape and prevent corrosion and deposits from building up inside the cooling system.

Therefore, it is better to double-check and make sure the coolant is full and no liquid is leaking.

Test Your Battery

Batteries do wear out and sometimes this may happen quite unpredictably. So, in order to avoid being stuck on the road with a dead battery, you should first of all regularly checked and replaced every four or five years.

Carefully check your manual to find other useful tips and hints, which are specific of your particular vehicle and do try to save time or money on your car maintenance.

Malayalam Vehicles is a well known and well-respected brand in Kerala, who constantly strive to exceed customer and principal expectations in every key area of operation, in business.
